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33 days to merciful love retreat companion pdf

33 days to merciful love retreat companion pdf

33 days to merciful love retreat companion pdf

33 days to merciful love retreat companion pdf

33 days to merciful love retreat companion pdf

33 days to merciful love retreat companion pdf

Jesus is anxious to help that soul, and if it is faithful to this grace from God, it can very soon attain die highest holiness possible for a creature here on earth. Yes, she rediscovered the very heart of the Gospel, the Good News that God lifts up the lowly: We are living now in an age of inventions, and we no longer have to take the trouble of climbing stairs, for, in the homes of the rich, an elevator has replaced these very successfully. She just wants us to believe in God and trust in his mercy. Wheres the call to recognize the darkness of our littleness? In other words, whats most characteristic of humanity? Scribd is the world's largest social reading and publishing site. Download Free PDF. And we know she was blessed. (I have always remained litde, therefore, having no other occupation but that of gathering flowers, the flowers of love and sacrifice, and of offering them to God in order to please Him. If through weakness I sometimes fall, may Your Divine Glance cleanse my soul immediately, consuming all my imperfections like the fire that transforms everything into itself. Well also remember that she didnt give in to the darkness, that she eking to God with the light of faith. Next, imagine that this ocean is held back from emptying out onto the earth by a giant floodgate. After all, its trust that opens the floodgates of Gods mercy, allowing it to come rushing down, down, down into little souls.72 What a revolution in Catholic spiritual theology! That was her night of faith. This praise and thanks is signified by the air we exhale from our lungs. See Catechism, 411,511,975. He was clothed in a dazzling robe, lais face gloriously bright, a cloud beneath his feet. You should not fear purgatory 80 33 DAYS TO MERCIFUL LOVE because of the suffering there, but should instead ask that you not deserve to go there in order to please God, Who so reluctantly imposes this punishment. It is to her I abandon my offering, begging her to present it to You. But, of course, we cant just sit back, relax, and enjoy such happiness. Therese believed that she was the weakest and littlest of souls (humility) and therefore she felt confident of becoming one of the greatest of saints (magnanimity). So, what about Marys faith? So, the light that illumines the darkness of our spiritual blindness to our sins is the fire of Gods love. Michael Gaitley has done is again. To die of love is a beautiful thing. 135 Story ofa Soul, pp. Immediately afterward, she went to her sister Pauline (Mother Agnes), who was prioress at the time, a nd asked permission to make the Offering. And this is the very definition of mercy, which the parable of the Good Samaritan seems to reveal most clearly: A man was going down from Jerusalem to Jericho, and he fell among robbers, who stripped him and beat him, and departed, leaving him half dead. 258-59. 178 33 DAYS TO MERCIFUL LOVE And so I will accept with submission and gratitude everything that God sends me (1549). Gailtley's 33 Days to Morning Glory. 118 33 DAYS TO MERCIFUL LOVE Recognize To live the Little Way, we need to recognize the darkness of our littleness and our brokenness. And I myself can attest to that fact. Purgatory Heres one other catch that comes with making the Offering to Merciful Love: It gradually increases our longing for God. Using the same 33-day preparation format, 33 Days to Merciful Love journeys with one of the most beloved saints of modern times, St. Thrse of Lisieux, and concludes with a consecration to Divine Mercy. You can, then, in one instant prepare me to appear before You. Why all the enthusiasm? Now, of course, the piercing of her Heart hurt. Also, its interesting to note that St. Therese once appeared to St. Faustina and encouraged her to trust in Jesus (see Diary of Saint Maria Faustina Kowalska: Divine Mercy in My Soul [Stockbridge: Marian Press, 1987], 150. Finally, Mary, protect and preserve our family in love, so that one day, we may rejoice togedier with you and all the saints in the communion of the eternal Family of Love Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Due to a planned power outage on Friday, 1/14, between 8am-1pm PST, some services may be impacted. Fr. Specifically, it happens during what I call the supercharged moment of the Mass. By means of this Image, I shall be granting many graces to souls; so let every soul have access to it (570). Then, perhaps, when the son was ready to speak, he spoke. God made himself vulnerable in Jesus Christ he put himself in need of our love and mercy for the sake offriendship. And the next day he took out two denarii and gave them to the innkeeper, saying, Take 54 33 DAYS TO MERCIFUL LOVE care of him; and whatever more you spend, I will repay you when I come back (Lk 10:30 35). Of course, most of us, especially in this social media age, long to be known, well liked, and praised for being important or attractive. 3. 81-82.) 221 See endnote 191. 76-81. 33 days to merciful love retreat companion pdf. But no human being makes more of a difference than Mary when it comes to helping people obtain the grace and mercy flowing from the Heart of Jesus. Most Blessed Trinity, I desire to Love You and make You Loved, to work for the glory of WEEK THREE: The Offering to Merciful Love 85 Holy Church by saving souls on earth and liberating those suffering in purgatory. Of course, Im still no saint, but at least I have hope that its possible. (See endnote 159 for instructions on how to pray it.) Great. But theres something else. Teach me to pray with my whole heart, Jesus, I trust in you. But when it came to Thereses turn, the future saint suddenly exclaimed, I choose all! and proceeded to take the entire basket. The Church is a mother, and she must travel this path of mercy and find a form of mercy for all. Merciful Love Book - Retreat Companion (working book with daily and weekly questions written by O. Michael Gately) - The Merciful Love Certificate - Prayer of the O. Sometimes we may be tempted to avoid going to Jesus because of our weaknesses, sinfulness, and attachments. faithful by numerous Popes. Still, in his loving mercy, the Lord waited until she was ready. Yes, it is as bad as that. To one degree or another, as sons and daughters of Adam and Eve, we all have a trust prob lem. But what about you? 98 See 33 Days to Morning Glory, pp. That is the mystery she wanted to glorify, the main mys tery that formed her conscience. Truly blessed is she who clung to the memory of Gods love in the midst of darkness! Alright, so when we pray the Chaplet, the intention of this supercharged moment of the Mass becomes very focused. Gaitley 33 Days to Morning Glory Begin an extraordinary 33-day journey to Marian conse cration with four spiritual giants: St. Louis de Montfort, St. Maximilian Kolbe, Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta, and St. John Paul II. 167 We can develop this wise capacity by continuing what weve been doing all along, namely, pondering in our hearts (see Lk 2:19), but now with a more refined focus. (3) Keep trusting and believing that God will satisfy your desires for holiness. To get to that point, a unifying statement to summarize die main points of what weve learned may be helpful. If you had understood the story of my little bird, you would not have asked me this question. I want to work for Your Love alone widi the one purpose of pleasing You, consoling Your Sacred Heart, and saving souls who will love You eternally. What if he wanted to give us a special gift of holiness in our day? That way, you can have the whole day to reflect on it. Please forgive us our sins. "She believed God's Word, even when it seemed impossible. Maybe we want people to have to pay more for their sins. When, on one occasion, instead of interior prayer, I took up a book of spir itual reading, I heard these words spoken distinctly and forcefully within my soul, You will prepare the world for My final coming. Anyway, whichever prayer you choose for your day of con secration, make sure you spend some time today meditating on it (or on them, if you decide to pray both prayers tomorrow). Therese had responded, Yes! So, these rejected graces are free for the taking."' Journey with St. Therese of Lisieux and discover 33 Days to Merciful Love: A Do-It-Yourself Retreat in Preparation for Consecration to Divine Mercy, the stirring sequel to the Fr. You can either use die Prayer of Consecration to Merciful Love, Thereses own Offering to Merciful Love, or botii.182 Whichever you use, I recommend that you recite die prayer after attending Mass or even after receiving Holy Communion (if theres time). The Litde Way is not about taking away die dryness of everyday life. Its all about remaining little and then arriving at the heights of holiness through the descending mercy of Jesus. Its to hope against hope in our daily lives, when all is darkness and were tempted to disbe lieve in Gods loving presence in our lives, tempted to doubt that all things work together for good to those wrho love God (Rom 8:28). Now, that may sound silly, at least until we realize that the idea for it comes from an important Divine Mercy saint and Doctor of die Church, St. Therese of Lisieux. The Offering, thereby, makes life both sweet and terrible (in a good way!) One expert on Carmelite spirituality contrasted these two paths (that of merit and that of mercy) as follows: [God] brings about [our sanctification] by the diffusion of grace which He gives according to our merits, or simply to satisfy the need ofhis mercy.91 I dont know about you, but I choose the latter path! DAY 1 1 Do Three Things As we learned yesterday, the Litde Way is all about the heart of the Gospel: Divine Mercy. 149-150). Also, if you do get an Image of Divine Mercy', you may want to consider enthroning it in your home. (For more infor mation on the Chaplet and how to pray it, see this endnote.159) So, thats the secret to saving the world. Its to believe Thereses word in Letter 197 that it is confidence and nothing but confidence that must lead us to Love. Its to trust the word of the greatest saint of modern times when she tells us in that same letter that her only treasure is the blind hope that I have in [Gods] mercy. Its to listen to her ask us, Why cant that treasure be ours? And its to realize, That treasure can be mine, if I cling to Gods mercy with trust. Try So, to live the Little Way, we must recognize our weakness and trust in Gods mercy and we must also keep trying. O my God! Hes a victim soul to Divine Justice.91 After all, Jesus made a kind of deal with the Father. I mean, without a concrete reminder, we might easily forget that weve invited Jesus to come with his mercy and stay in our homes. Of course, theres a big catch when it comes to the offering to Divine Justice: lots of suffering! Well, Therese is a great Doctor of the Church because she discovered such a way - rather, she rediscovered it. However, the idea of consoling Jesus (the Head of his body)194 sometimes causes difficulties for people. As long as I love Jesus, and He and Therese are pleased, nothing else matters to me (Cited in ibid,, p. 51). And those words do not pass away because they were spoken by the Word Incarnate, who is the same yesterday, today, and forever (Heb 13:8). Indeed, those are words that, APPENDIX ONE: Living the Offering 157 as the Catechism says, cannot remain only in the past, words that participate in the divine eternity, words that transcend all times while being made present in them all, words that abide.204 In fact, those words I thirst are directed to each one of us. And, actually, Therese is smiling at you now. Your soul will draw more profit from it than if, carried by grace, you would accomplish with enthu siasm heroic actions that would fill your soul with per sonal satisfaction and pride.64 ii In sum, then, the Little Way is often a little way of darkness. She hoped against hope, believing that, as the angel said, with God nothing will be impossible. Todays Prayer: Come, Holy Spirit, fire of mercy. Hear that. Based on the book, 33 Days to Merciful Love, by Fr. But the key here is to notice how it 28 33 DAYS TO MERCIFUL LOVE all began: It began with a lie, a lie about Gods Word, a lie that east doubt on Gods goodness and trustworthiness. Help me to believe that with God nothing will be impossible. Most of all I imitate the conduct of Magdalene; her astonishing or rather her loving audacity which charms the Heart of Jesus also attracts my own. Now, ponder once again the words of the angel that Our Lady believed regarding her Son, Jesus: He will be great and the Lord God will give him the dirone of liis fadier David, and he will reign over die house of Jacob for ever; and of his kingdom there will be no end (Lk 1:32-33). Get your copy of 33 Days to Merciful Love, the stirring sequel to the international sensation, 33 Days to Morning Glory. Todays Prayer: Come, Holy Spirit, fire of mercy. She goes on crying just the same {Letters of St. Therese of Lisieux, trans. Its a beautiful thing to be moved by the suffering of the Heart of Jesus. The P first friend is Fr. I mean, it doesnt take that many people to save the world. Thats what we regoing to explore this week. She describes thefeeling: Ah! Its not a path on which Jesus gives grace and mercy because we deserve it but, rather, because he feels the need togive it. 1 believe it will become a spiritual classic, right up there with 33 Days to Morning Glory.''' It would be wonderful to pray it Why? Conclude with Holy God (Repeat three times) Holy God, Holy Mights' One, Holy Immortal One, have mercy on us and on the whole world. "My power is made perfect in weakness.". Fourth, my thanks go out to all those who prayed for this work, particularly Sr. Mary John Paul Asemota, O. How you grieve me! So what do they see that we dont? This retreat is based on the popular book by Fr. [I]f 1 had an infirmity such as hers, and so defective a spirit, Endnotes 181 I would not do any better than she does, and then I would despair (cited in The Context of Holiness, p. 44). Were sinners who would die of terror if we fully realized our selfishness and sin. . 1,6 Georgina Molyneux, Cure D'Ars: A Memoir ofJean-Baptiste-Marie Vtanney{London: Richard Bentley, New Burlington Street, 1869), p. 157. Chris and ask him iff could write the book on a Divine Mercy consecration after all. - Additional DVD from Episode 2 of the acclaimed Catholic documentary, Divine Mercy in the second greatest story ever told based on the book, 33 Days (400 pages. ) Emphasis added. Breathe it in. Its to ignore the thieves of hope and to believe in Gods promise of mercy. Address: Be the first to receive exclusive offers and the latest news on our products and services directly in your inbox. Otherwise, we cannot hope for mercy (see Mt 5:7, 18:21-35).112 The second potential objection to making the Offering to Merciful Love has to do with those who have begun to feel that theyre in a bit too deep with this Offering stuff. Smile Remember Thereses smile at her death. And how do we console him best? With exquisite timing in this Jubilee Year, Fr. On the contrary, she saw humility as being what smacks magnanimitys horses in the rear, sending them racing to the moon! Yesterday, we learned that the Offering to Merciful Love heals our hardened hearts, making them more sensitive and compas sionate. To be litde is also to not attribute to oneself the virtues that one practices, believing oneself capable of anything, but to recognize that God places this treasure AFTER CONSECRATION: The Lens of Mercy 145 of virtue in the hands of His little child, to be used when necessary; but it remains always Gods treasure. You can, then, in one instant prepare me to appear before You. I desire to pour them out upon human souls. How completely she abandons herself to God without reserve, offering the full assent of the intellect and the will to him whose ways are inscrutable (cf. To help you figure out a good day to start your 33-day preparation for Divine Mercy consecration, check out the follow ing chart with recommended feast days and their starting dates: S tar t of Feast Day the 33 Days Consec&ation/Feast January 9 Our Lady of Lourdes February 11 February 20* The Annunciation March 25 Varies Divine Mercy Sunday Sunday after Easter April 10 Our Lady of Fatima May 13 April 28 The Visitation May 31 Varies Pentecost Sunday 50 days after Easter Varies Trinity Sunday Sunday after Pentecost Varies Sacred Heart of Jesus Friday after Corpus Christi Varies Immaculate Heart of Mary Saturday after Corpus Christi May 27 Sts. Well, Thereses own Lisieux convent certainly felt its effects. This was the ultimate test of faith because it was through Isaac that God had promised to make Abraham blessed and a great nation. Home. If we live this attitude of presenting our wretchedness to the Lord (ecce), receiving his mercy (fiat), and then praising and thanking him for his saving mercy (magnificat/ we can be assured that we wont seriously be wounding the Lord by our lack of trust for trust is not only praise and thanks, its also to receive Gods mercy- Remember how Fr. Are you going to console his Heart by letting him pour into your soul the love that others have rejected? Three words summarize what we learned about trust: (1) Distrust, (2) Blessing, and (3) Grace. Retreat Coordinator; Small-group Leader; Stages . Yet our rulers were just seeking to stone him? Author : Michael E. Gaitley. For the next eight days (the Introduction and Week One St. Louis de Montfort), we'll begin our time with this Retreat Companion with the Angelus. The Good Samaritan, as it says later, is the one who showed mercy (v. 37). 70-72. But if it doesn't, if you cant help feeling tired, anxious, or empty thats perfect. DAY 2 Our Father in Faith Yesterday, we learned that its all about trust. But how, specifically, can we make it? For example, I once spent a year studying in a foreign country and had nowhere to go for Christmas. Finally, I believe, my God, that you can and will make me into a saint, even if I w'ont see it, even if I have to struggle all my life against vice and sin, even if I have to wait until the very end. The retreat book, 33 Days to Merciful Love, is not included in this kit. (Ps 49:14)?5 Well learn more about St. Thereses Little Way next week. Saint Peter Canisius, Doctor of the Church (feast day: Dec. 21 ), travelled more than 20,000 miles on horseback during his years of ministry and essentially renewed the Catholic faith in Germany. (More on this tomorrow.) Before we get to that, heres something that may be even more shocking: As St. Therese was dying, because she believed what she taught, because she believed that she would be a great saint, she herself collected the clippings of her nails and invited her sister Pauline (Mother Agnes) to take them, presumably to 58 33 DAYS TO MERCIFUL LOVE be used as relics!67 Also, she encouraged the other sisters to keep the rose petals that had touched her crucifix, saying, They will help you perform favors later on; dont lose one of them.68 What? Therese got to know Sr. Maries tormented soul more than anyone and once shared with her sister Pauline (Mother Agnes): If you knew her as well as I do, you would see that she is not responsible for all of the things that seem so awful to us. He says, In my flesh, I complete what is lacking in the sufferings of Christ (Col 1:24). Its as if Jesus were saying to us, Would you please have mercy on my Heart by letting me save you, love you, and make you happy? Heres the full citation from John Paul on mercy as a bilateral reality' (which, again, applies even to God having mercy on us in Christ): We must also continually purify' all our actions and all our intentions in which mercy is understood and practiced in a unilateral way, as a good done to others. And whats the heart of the Gospel? First, imagine that the heavens above are an infinite ocean. Finally, I remember that: The Lord knows our weakness, that he is mindful that we are but dust and ashes. She sang a song of praise, her famous Magnificat, that glorious proclamation of Gods mere), which begins: My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord, My spirit rejoices in God my Savior, For he has looked with favor on his lowly servant (Lk 1:46-48). During Mass, the young nun received the inspiration and burning desire to offer herself to Merciful Love. Still, theres such a thing as heaven on earth. What we think of as negligence, Therese wrote, is very often heroism in the eyes of God. She warned Celine: On the last day, you will be astonished to see your sisters freed from all their im perfections, and they will appear as great saints. Although such little souls might pass unnoticed and have nothing to boast about, they are great in the eyes of God, for in their poverty they are full of hope ( With Empty Hands, p. 110). He waited until after she had discovered her Little Way and had offered herself to Merciful Love. And I can say in all sincerity that my house is at rest. And the Lord gave me to know who it is that upholds the existence of mankind: it is the chosen souls (ibid., 926). His tender mercy comes rushing into our hardened hearts, purifying diem and, thereby, making them more compassionate, loving, and sensitive. The Marian Missionaries of Divine Mercy (MMDM) is for people who really want to get into mercy as a spirituality. It means striving to never tire of asking God for forgiveness. I say that because, as we just learned, Mary leads us to Divine Mercy. And why not be joyful? Unlike 33 Days to Morning Glory, this book does not include four weeks with four different saints. 181 Story ofa Soul, p. 165. 142 Cited in Story of a Soul, p. 259. Jesus was sleeping as usual in my little boat; ah! 33 Days to Merciful Love: A Do-It-Yourself Retreat in Preparation for Divine Mercy Consecration http . Seeing this very moment from the Cross, Merciful Love willed a new age in Salvation History to coincide with the dawn of the third Christian millennium. 95 Ibid., 1074. 76 33 DAYS TO MERCIFUL LOVE Okay, so all that should give us a sense of Marys suffering as she stood at the foot of the Cross. 215 Dtfrry, 723. ' Now, perhaps that seems selfish. 23-53. He spoke about mortal sin, and he described a soul in the state of sin and how much God hated it. Surely [we] know whether his father can love him as much as the other and treat him with the same indulgence (cited in ibid., pp. You have too much fear before the good God. 68 Cited in ibid., p. 222, 69 Cited in ibid., p. 93. | One of the great blessings of being a priest is that I get to live in the same house as die Blessed Sacrament. I wish, then, to be clothed in Your own Justice and to receive from Your Love the eternal possession of Yourself. If Your Justice loves to release itself, this Justice which extends only over the earth, how much more does Your Merciful Love desire to set souls onfire since Your Mercy' reaches to the heavens. The repentant sinner, who sins again and again because of his weakness, will find forgiveness if he acknowledges his need for mercy. May they show us that in the light of Gods Merciful Love, the darkness of sin (repented sin) is not so dark after all. Well, let me put it this way: Im sure any mother who has had to watch her child suffer tlirough an agonizing illness will tell you she immediately would have switched places with her child if given the opportu nity. Just then I saw the Most Holy Trinity. Thats largely because of a popular and terribly rigorist book on Carmelite spiritualin- called The Treasure of Carmel. I was walking to class, minding my own business, when Mark came up to me, basically shoved a book in my face, and said, Gaitley, youve gotta read this! With my heavy class load, I didnt have time for any extra reading, and I told him as much. AFTER CONSECRATION: The Lens of Mercy 149 Marian missionaries - ----- ------ Divine of --------------------------- mercy 3. God alone, content with my weak efforts, will raise me to Himself and make me a saint, clothing me in His infinite merits (Story ofa Soul, p. 72). 33 DAYS TO MERCIFUL LOVE 78 DAY 18 No Purgatory? Later, in his book The Name of God is Mercy, the Pope further elab orates on these comments on the plane: Yes, I believe that this is a time for mercy. My heart is a living 188 33 DAYS TO MERCIFUL LOVE tabernacle in which the living Host is reserved. However, I can suggest a way of renewing it with every breath. More on that tomorrow. When the prodigal son returned home, I dont think his father told him: You, sit down and listen: what did you do with the money? No! that the more Ton want togive, the more You make us desire. 5 Emphasis added. Saint John Paul II expressed the theology of consoling Jesus in what is probably the most profound papal statement on the topic. 96 Ibid., 1705. In other words, she presented herself to the Lord just as she was. The stirring sequel to Father Michael Gaitley's 33 Days to Morning Glory -- published just in time for the Jubilee Year of Mercy! So, in a sense, the foundation of the entire moral life comes down to properly forming our conscience. We give ourselves to you and ask you to share with us your Immaculate Heart. Mercy. Then, beginning tomorrow, well spend one foil week in an Advent-like time of hope-filled darkness before reviewing everything weve learned and then actually' making the Offering. And so, in diis way, God manifests His infinite grandeur. In other words, when the Lord stoops down to litde souls, it makes his glory shine even more. When Mary said, Let it be done to me, she was allowing the Incar nation of the Word to take place in her immaculate soul. Whats its concrete expression in your daily living? I was stumped. Emphasis added. I thank You, O my God! Its because weakness and wretchedness are precisely what attracts his Merciful Love. She remained steadfast in faith as she held onto the words spoken to her by the Lord and pondered them in her heart. As Abraham had the stars and Mary had the words of Elizabeth, you have Thereses smile. Come, Holy Spirit, fire of mercy for the taking. 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33 days to merciful love retreat companion pdf