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intersectionality icebreaker

intersectionality icebreaker

intersectionality icebreaker

intersectionality icebreaker

intersectionality icebreaker

CU Denver and Auraria Campus are CLOSED on Wednesday - January 18, 2023. Since then, the study of intersectionality has grown to include all of our intersections and identities. The class should be encouraged to offer additional observations and considerations. Some of us have little experience with social justice, but seek a better understanding of inequity in Greater Boston. As black feminist scholar bell hooks argues, intersectionality challenged the notion that gender was the primary factor determining a womans fate. Seekprofessional input on your specific circumstances. Central Office for Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Community Engagement. 368 Fairfield Way, Unit 4001, Storrs, CT 06269-4001 | Phone: 860-486-0457 | Fax: 860-486-1766 |, Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning, Building community and Brave Spaces as a Foundation for DEI work, Supporting and Including International Students, Creating Accessible Classrooms and Courses, Recognizing Identity and Intersectionality in the Classroom, Creating an LGBTQIA+ inclusive environment, Critical Thinking and other Higher-Order Thinking Skills, Tips for Grading without Utilizing Attendance, Flexible Teaching to Minimize Disruptions, Teaching Non-Native English Speaking Students, 50 Classroom Assessment Techniques (CATS), Center for Integration of Research, Teaching and Learning, The Teaching Professor and Magna Digital Library, National Center for Faculty Development and Diversity, Teaching and Learning Academy by Gardner Institute, Consultation on Developing an Online Course, Office of Continuing and Professional Education, Office for Diversity and Inclusion Reources. Explore the narratives of those with different interlocking identities than you. The Office for Diversity and Inclusion offers an in-class facilitatedprogram on social identitiesthat aims to raise awareness among students of the many ways their identities show up in the classroom. Disability. Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) communicates the strategic vision for equity, diversity, and inclusion (and belonging) at the University of Utah. Crenshaw, K. (1991). This I think could be an expansion in the field of human behavioural science in that it`s in relating to each other that the biases of intersectionality can be seen to manifest. Below are five examples. Within this term is an implicit accusation that media doesnt pay the same amount of attention when people with other identity markers go missing. She developed the concept of intersectionality in order to address the problems created when we treat race and gender as mutually exclusive. Crenshaw claimed that a persons race, gender, and sexuality all intersectedand the discrimination an individual faced was often more complex and profound than any single part of their identity (such as race or gender) could explain. For news, updates, and videos, follow or subscribe to EDI on: Twitter, Instagram, Blog, YouTube. Doi: The Safe Zone Project is a free online resource for powerful, effective LGBTQ awareness and ally training workshops, Join over 25,000 Educators in 100 Countries. Some of us hold womens empowerment close to heart, perhaps seeking a more equitable world for ourselves or our daughters. Our environments and social connections cause our identities to ebb and flow, just like the traffic at an intersection. Bookstore Used by This is a ground-clearing practice that sets a leveled foundation upon which to build our work and relations in the classroom. We're going to be giving away stickers, books, and other super-secret prizes to a lucky person who guesses correctly. My overarching aim is to inspire my students to become critically reflexive lifelong learners who aspire to social transformation. Intersectionality brings our understanding of systemic injustice and social inequality to the next level by attempting to untangle the lines that create the complex web of inequalities. It is important to understand that intersectionality has become appropriated over the past few years since Kimberl Crenshaw first debuted the concept. Vol.10(2), pp.303-312. "In this lesson, students will examine the concept of intersectionality as it applies to building inclusive social groups and movements. We must recognize that all unique experiences of identity, and particularly ones that involve multiple overlapping oppressions, are valid. For example, although the percentage of White females earning their college degree continues to outpace White males (51% to 44%), a recent report from The Education Trust found that only 26.6% of Hispanic women graduate college. Keller spent her life writing, speaking, and campaigning for disability rights. of intersectionality; yes they shape your experience and influence what intersectionality means to you. Families highlight that, for decades, there have been insufficient police investigations. Crenshaw, K. (1989). Critical to educating for social justice is to set expectations for your students that you will be having difficult discussions and to establish a principled space with them from the outset of the school term. Oxford: A Dictionary of Social and Social Care (1 ed.) Bose, C. (2012). I talk to students about my passion for critical pedagogy and why I think learning ideas like intersectional feminism matters to help them make a positive impact on the world. woman and black) do not exist independently of each other, and that each informs the others, often creating a complex convergence of oppression. A scholar of law, critical race theory, and Black feminist thought, Crenshaw used intersectionality to explain the experiences of Black women who - because of the intersections of race, gender, and . As Maya Angelou said, "In diversity, there is beauty and there is strength." AAUW respects and celebrates the diversity of our members and those differences form the backbone of our organization. The next, "Muslim Feminism," will be on Dec. 6. Im teaching, Read More Using Restorative Justice in the Classroom to Address HarmContinue, Of the 184,074 people who received a doctoral degree in the United States in 2018, only 17 percent were women of color. The genesis of her work was two different civil court cases defending two separate groups of black women. Intersectionality suggests that it is not enough to use single identity markers of race or gender or socioeconomic station and citizenship status to understand situations such as these. As Chimamanda Ngozie Adichie phrased it, there is a danger of the single story. Instructors should be aware of the histories of institutional racism, sexism, ableism and ageism that have resulted in extremely challenging educational climates for BIPOC students, in particular female, trans, and queer BIPOC students and BIPOC students who have a disability. We cite peer reviewed academic articles wherever possible and reference our sources at the end of our articles. Yet it remains a difficult, misunderstood, and sometimes controversial concept. Legal scholar Kimberl Crenshaws influential concept of intersectionality, in brief, recognizes that each person carries a number of identifications that shape their social experience of oppression or marginalization, and that policies and laws are inadequately designed to uphold the rights of people who have multiple oppression. The group activity in-class (including its two variants using fictive or real-world cases) and the final end-of-semester self-reflection are ways to encourage students to link their identities with society. Sign up for our newsletter, delivered weekly. Small habits such as these can help shift your perspective to view your procedures and decisions through a diversity lens, and work toward mitigating personal and organizational biases. For my subjects, I like to use bell hooks theory of the imperialist white supremacist capitalist patriarchy. However, they were also faced with greater discrimination than ever before due to their increased visibility. In this post, I want to share with you a foundational activity that has been very effective when introducing students to intersectionality for the first time. Scholars today use intersectionality to understand the differences between the experiences of diverse groups in higher education and the workforce. Geology Museum It opened up new lines of inquiry that critiqued feminisms overemphasis on the experiences of white middle-class women. Framing Questions on Intersectionality A Resource provided by the US Human Rights Network and the Rutgers Center for Women's Global Leadership1 This icebreaker can be used to launch a study about leadership or how to respond to obstacles or topics like that. The OE is not responsible for the accuracy, legality, or content of the resources above. On your quest for more intersectional viewpoints, check out this list of podcasts. Re-thinking intersectionality. Disclaimer terms regarding published materials: Diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) work represents a historical function and is a practicing science. Once we recognize this difference, we can move away from language that seeks to define people by a singular identity. It includes the actual slides I use to set expectations with students at the start of the semester, the lecture on hooks concept of the imperialist white supremacist capitalist patriarchy, and the slides you can adapt for the in-class group activity. In the middle of my lecture on the gender pay gap in organizations, a student interrupts me to proclaim how the gender pay gap cant possibly exist because his mother is a senior manager in her company and gets paid more than the men she works with. All rights reserved. How do our different identities intersect, interact, and affect our daily lives. Examples of Intersectionality. The OE and its employees do not make any warranty, expressed or implied, nor assume any liability for the services provided by any entity, program or resource identified on this site or through links from this site. Applying intersectionality theory to an analysis of your experiences, you will be able to understand how your own intersecting privileges and oppressions have an impact on your identity and your relations with others. He is the former editor of the Journal of Learning Development in Higher Education. IdentityIntersectionalityIntersectX12, 201 PRESIDENTS CIRCLE, ROOM 208 If you are unsure about a concept or want to learn more about a specific intersection of identity, Google it! Ask students to apply Mari Matsudas practice of asking the other question: When I see something that looks racist, I ask, Where is the patriarchy in this? When I see something that looks sexist, I ask, Where is the heterosexism in this? When I see something that looks homophobic, I ask, Where are the class interests in this? Working in coalition forces us to look for both the obvious and non-obvious relationships of domination, helping us to realize that no form of subordination ever stands alone. Crenshaw explains that our identities are like traffic flowing at an intersection one identity may flow in one direction while another identity is flowing in a different direction (Crenshaw, 1989). Register: https://www.eventbrite . Girls with this disability are at a double disadvantage because of their gender compared to boys with this disability (who, themselves, are disadvantaged compared to neurotypical students in schools). Accredited by the Higher Learning Commission. Translating this into practice might mean designing ways for students to articulate to themselves and others their intersecting identities, and explaining to students why this is important, namely that it helps establish community and may mitigate stereotyping based on racial, ethnic, gendered, and other kinds of stereotypes, increasing the quality of communication so that learning can happen. The vast majority of US presidents, for example, fit into this elite group. However, do notexpect people with identity markers other than your own to be there or to want to educate others. All the advice on this site is general in nature. Helen Keller was not only a woman, she was also a deafblind person who changed the world in the early 20th Century. Take note of the welcoming or distancing practices of the spaces you frequent. Icebreakers are also fun- when group members are laughing and having a good time, they feel more comfortable. Mike Robbins explains this using the Authenticity Equation: Honesty Self-Righteousness + Vulnerability = Authenticity (Robbins, 2018). How would you describe the different facets of your identity? Intersection Identity and Privilege: Crossing the Line Recap and Closing Activity Closing and Recommended Resources Introduction This toolkit is meant for anyone who feels there is a lack of productive discourse around issues of diversity and the role of identity in social relationships, both on a micro (individual) and macro (communal) level. Intersectionality is a tool that allows us to think about systemic oppression in a broad context and emphasizes individual's experiences in an effort to understand privilege and power. People who are black have historically faced discrimination due to the color of their skin. OFFICE FOR DIVERSITY, EQUITY, AND COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT, Building YY In an era when women and people of color were excluded from public discourse, Parks took a stance and insisted on her fundamental rights. It gives students a framework and vocabulary to identify their intersecting privileges and oppressions. They are especially helpful when you have new group members because they can increase group cohesion & camaraderie, and they help group members get to know each other better. and further categorize those identities based on which matter most in their self-perception and which matter most in others perception of them. Here, we see an intersection between gender and disability where there is a compounding effect of disadvantage. 303-273-3000 / 800-446-9488, Admissions & Financial Aid This is a coin termed to describe the medias hyperfocus on white women who go missing. Intersectionality and Higher Education by Lindsay A. Greyerbiehl (Editor); Donald Jr. Mitchell (Editor); Charlana Simmons (Editor) Intersectionality is a term coined by Kimberl Crenshaw in 1989. A nurse? We highly encourage you to reach out to the office(s)/center(s) listed within each topic to find additional resources, facilitated training opportunities, and learning tools to further your education. Intersectionality is a framework or lens used to analyze or discuss multiple aspects of individual identity (e.g., race, class, gender, sexuality, etc.) When a group does not know each other well, it may be difficult for people to start talking. But the confluence of these two identity markers raises some unique stereotypes around being exotic, submissive, and a service worker. Watch the video below to learn more about how privilege and oppression, through an intersectional perspective, overlap and reinforce each other, then answer the question after. Its designed for elementary school students, but both my undergraduate and postgraduate students appreciate its clarity. Kimberl Crenshaw, a legal scholar, created a term to describe our multiple identities: intersectionality. This includes all students, faculty, and non-essential staff employees. Dr. Kimberl Crenshaw popularized the term through her decades of scholarly work on the . Graduate Admissions The framework of intersectionality reminds us that we should bring our whole and authentic selves to work in order to perform our best and foster a collaborative environment with our colleagues (see Part 3). Ill print out a copy of each case to distribute to the student groups. Do you identify as Hispanic and/or Latinx? Missing and Indigenous Women. Black women, who often had to work in order to keep their family afloat and therefore did not have the luxury of being homemakers, did not feel as though these issues pertained to their experiences. document.getElementById( "ak_js_2" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Non-Profit Web Design and Development by New Media Campaigns. Allow each group to share their case with the rest of the class and present the highlights of their analysis. The defendants argued that they were experiencing the additive effects of both racial and gender discrimination in workplace hiring practices. Baggs used social media at a time when people of her gender and people of her disability found it hard to get their voice out there. For more information, please see our University Websites Privacy Notice. The black women argued that their discrimination was unique from black men and white women. The purpose of this exercise is to provide an opportunity for you to reflect on the invisibility of power, privilege, and oppression. Considering the layers of intersectionality ensures that all voices are heard and there is a conscious awareness of the trade-offs being made and their implications.". Madam Walker produced a range of cosmetics that were specifically made for black women. Intersectionality and Global Gender Inequality. Colorado School of Mines Stephen, who has cerebral palsy, also highlights how people assume he doesnt have sexual desires due to his disability. We encourage all members to seek ways to incorporate inclusive practices into their branches and daily life. What layered identities might a student have, and what identities might educational settings activate? Intersectionality is a fact of lifeone thats been part of our understanding of the human experience for more than a hundred years. It encourages a well-rounded inquiry into disadvantage that does not box itself into just one line of inquiry. This combo activity invites participants to deeply engage with privilege and segues into a conversation about the coming out process. Published by African American Policy Forum. If youd like to learn more about intersectional feminism, please take a look at my detailed explainer for this theory and movement. Learning & Skill Development Opportunities, Progress on 8 Promises to BIPOC Members of our Community, Report incidents of Bias, Discrimination & Harassment. Careers at Mines How do you explain what it means today? I spend 1015 minutes in the lecture outlining this concept and make a point of giving students concrete examples of how each system of power manifest in our subject topic (e.g., work, society, history, literature, etc.). Well before the term intersectionality was coined, we could still see examples of intersectional activism in the real world. The CU Anschutz Central Office for Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Community Engagement (ODEICE) focuses on implementing, centralizing and improving programs and initiatives around diversity and health equity; inclusion and outreach; and community engagement. Explore any of these five-minute exercises that center on a relevant diversity, inclusion and access topic. For instance, a black man and a white woman make $0.74 and $0.78 to a white mans dollar, respectively. At the end of the post, youll have the option to sign up for my newsletter and receive a copy of my lecture slides with all the principles, activity templates, and extra disclaimers to adapt and use in your classes. Hire Our Students It reminds us that people's lives cannot be explained by taking into account single categories, such as gender, race, sexuality, or socio-economic statu Ive used more serious academic videos about intersectionality theory in the past but they did leave some students even more confused. Rather than assuming that a student can be ascribed an identity, consider spending plenty of time getting to know your students, and having them get to know one another through icebreakers, autobiographical collages, and other creative activities. If you have any suggested resources you think should be added to the guide, please submit them here! provides sustained, comprehensive programs across all educational levels to promote access and increase numbers of underrepresented populations in healthcare, STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) and research professions. Sign up for our newsletter, delivered weekly, to help shape and stay informed on our journey as we achieve the goal of an anti-racist, diverse, inclusive, accessible, and equitable campus. With 57,766 graduates, there were almost twice as many white women who were awarded a doctorate than the 31,465 women of color graduates that included women who identify as Black, Hispanic, Asian, Pacific, Read More A White Mans World: What WOC Should Know Before Doing A PhDContinue, Social justice, intersectionality, and diversity are necessary and important topics to introduce in classrooms, but when youre underprepared, lessons can become difficult, triggering, and destructive. Go here to get the curriculum without updates. Intersectional theory allows us to explore how discrimination has a compounding effect. Here is one sample case to give you a sense of what they look like: Stella is a middle manager at an Australian bank. In that field of possibility we have the opportunity to labor for freedom, to demand of ourselves and our comrades, an openness of mind and heart that allows us to face reality even as we collectively imagine ways to move beyond boundaries, to transgress. The missing white woman syndrome was on full display during the 2021 Gabby Petito case. The Combahee River Collective, a black feminist lesbian organization, released the Combahee River Collective Statement in 1978 to define and encourage black feminism. This day of celebration and learning is being hosted in partnership with the School for Cultural and Social Transformation, which recently began a three-year focus on intersectionality funded by the Mellon Foundation. Families highlight that, for decades, there have been insufficient police investigations. Historically, boys have been over-diagnosed with ADHD and girls have been under-diagnosed. Rosa Parks was a black woman who took a stand against segregation in the United States. Without an intersectional lens, events and movements that aim to address injustice towards one group may end up perpetuating systems of inequities towards other groups. ), in Britain, there is also growing concern about working-class white boys performance at schools, which is among the worst performance of all social groups. Our websites may use cookies to personalize and enhance your experience. Im committed to rigorous research-led subject content that grounds learning in students lived experiences and everyday practice. Intersectionality: Mapping the Movements of a Theory by Devon W. Carbado, Kimberl Crenshaw, Vickie M. Mays, Barbara Tomlinson Kimberl Crenshaw on Intersectionality: An Interview There is No Hierarchy of Oppression by Audre Lorde Social Inequality, Power, and Politics: Intersectionality and American Pragmatism in Dialogue by Patricia Hill Collins Check out our facilitator guide to help you have a successful first go. Kimberl Crenshaw, law professor and social theorist, first coined the term intersectionality in her 1989 paper Demarginalizing The Intersection Of Race And Sex: A Black Feminist Critique Of Antidiscrimination Doctrine, Feminist Theory And Antiracist Politics. The theory emerged two decades earlier, however, when black feminists began to speak out about the white, middle-class nature of the mainstream feminist movement. Intersectionality may seem theoretical, but it is meant to be utilized. Sexual orientation. (2016). Subordinate Harassment Against A Supervisor, Success Always Leave Footprints - Black History Month 2018, The Arduousness in Proving Age Discrimination, The Fundamental Importance of Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Data, The Legacy of Joe Medicine Crow Dies at 102, The State of Childcare and Working Families, Top 10 STEM Historically Black Colleges and Universities, Tragedy and the Workplace Part 1 What Can Organizations Do, Tragedy and the Workplace Part 2 What Can Employees Do, U.S. Mint Unveils Gold Coin featuring a Black Woman as Lady Liberty, Understanding Racial Terms and Differences, Virtual Hiring Managers Guide Blog Series: Section One Direct Hire Authority, Virtual Hiring Managers Guide Blog Series: Section One Schedule A Hiring, Virtual Hiring Managers Guide Blog Series: Section One Veterans Preference. Carbado, D., Crenshaw, K., Mays, V., & Tomlinson, B. In Britain, they may also be labeled as Chavs (standing for community housed and violent). Assuming that all women have vaginas or are defined by their bodies is an oversimplification that erases the experiences of those who exist beyond the gender binary. We are all functions of the system that we live in; a system that has taught us how to think about ourselves and others, how to interact with others, and how to understand what is expected of us. Consultation services are available to all UConn faculty at all campuses at no charge. The worksheet prompts students to fill in various social identities (such as race, gender, sex, ability disability, sexual orientation, etc.) As you do, you will likely deepen your understanding of your own identity and thesubjectsyou care about most. The New Press.Nash, J. C. (2008). ", Kimberl Crenshaw's TedTalk, 2016, 19 minutes, By Focused.Arts.Media.Education, 2017, 18 minutes. Learn more about our academic and editorial standards. Can you guess what will be in the box? People who are gay have similarly faced discrimination due to their sexuality. In her 1991 article " Mapping the Margins ," she explained how people who . Social Science & Medicine, 72(8), 1236-1248. Nowadays, intersectionality is considered crucial to social equity work. People by a singular identity a look at my detailed explainer for this theory and movement compounding of... All students, but both my undergraduate and postgraduate students appreciate its clarity once we recognize difference. Women who go missing Walker produced a range of intersectionality icebreaker that were made! Intersecting privileges and oppressions appropriated over the past few years since Kimberl Crenshaw 's TedTalk 2016. Categorize those identities based on which matter most in their self-perception and which matter most in self-perception! Was not only a woman, she was also a deafblind person who guesses correctly today... 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intersectionality icebreaker